Monday, October 31, 2011

Photo blog: update from Colorado!

I LOVE living only an hour away from my sister, Erin! 
We get to spend almost every weekend together :)

[sister time in Boulder, CO]

[hiking Hanging Lake]

[enjoying Yogurtland!!]


Also LOVING time with my best friends in Colorado--enjoying fall activities!!

[apple cider & pumpkins]

[Jeramie, Kaitlin, & Kelsey]

[Lynda & me]

[our jack-o-lanterns]

[finished jack-o-lanterns]

[with Kelly]


And babysitting for some of my favorite kids on the planet! :)

[Princess Torrey & Bryce, as Captain Jack!]

[eating Nerds]


Birthday weekend celebrations!!

[getting wings @ B-Dubs!!]

[ice cream cake with best friends!]

[Coors Brewery Tour]

[taste test]

[getting lost in the corn maze]

[corn maze w/ Kelsey & Erin]

[Senior Night volleyball game]

[lunch with Abby!]

[cheesecake--thanks, Kels!]

I will be in Colorado for about 3 more weeks before heading back to Indiana for Thanksgiving. My time here has been amazing and blessed! It's hard to believe this chapter of my life is almost over, but the friends I have here will be life-long!

Monday, October 24, 2011


On October 16th, I had the opportunity to share about my plans to move back to Honduras at True Life Church during their Sunday morning service. They took up a special offering and were able to bless me with $500 to add to my support account! Praise God! I was able to use that money to purchase my plane ticket to go back on December 28th, 2011!! IT'S OFFICIAL!!

[Dania, Fanny, me, and Amalia]

These are some of the girls I will be discipling when I move back to Honduras! I plan on starting a Bible study with them once a week. I love these girls so much and want to see them grow up to know the Lord in a very intimate and personal way. I want these girls to learn how to seek God and His plans for their lives. I want them to find FREEDOM in Christ. I want them to know how much they are loved. 

[God has blessed me with some amazing brothers!!]

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to share at Westwoods Community Church about some of the things I learned on the World Race, and more importantly how God has been working in my heart and changing my life! I talked about how I have lived most of my life to fulfill my own selfish desires. And yet, I never felt completely satisfied. I was always searching for something more. But now that I have given my life to serve the Lord, I have begun to find complete and total satisfaction in Him. I am experiencing the abundant life Jesus talks about in John 10:10--
"...I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Pastor Rick Schmitz also shared a passage from 1 Timothy 6:17-19...
"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." 


If you believe in what I'm doing, would you consider partnering with me in prayer, making a one-time financial donation, or committing to supporting me monthly? Please email me for more information on how you can support me!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Photo blog: life in the states.

I am back in the US visiting family and friends while raising support to move back to Honduras in January. Here is a sneak peek of my past two weeks in the states!

Rebecca & Mary picked me up from the airport in Atlanta when I got back from Honduras--THANKS girls!! :)

I stayed in Atlanta for The Awakening--a weekend retreat for World Race Alumni, then  
 found a ride up to Virginia to visit my WR teammate, Alex!!

Coffee date with Alex in Williamsburg, Virginia

Virginia Beach

Hanging out at the beach with Alex--so refreshing!!

Back in Indiana--breakfast date with Muriah

Dinner with Beth and Mom

Daddy/daughter date night!!

Welcome home party with family--Anna, Uncle Brian, Aunt Diane, and Miles

I was in Indiana for about 5 days unpacking, spending time with family, and repacking to go to Colorado. 

Hanging out with friends--Carmen and Kelsey

Enjoying the beautiful fall weather and Aspen trees--with Kaitlin and Kelsey

 Sister time with Erin

 I will be in Colorado until Thanksgiving, then heading back to Indiana through Christmas. Please pray for me these next three months in the states--that God would continue to teach me and prepare me to go back to Honduras, and that He would provide the funds to get me back there.