Tuesday, November 22, 2011

an opportunity for private education.

As we move forward in ministry, we continue to look for more opportunities to radically change the lives of these teenagers. One way we are currently doing that is through sponsoring the teens to ride the bus to and from school, purchase school uniforms and supplies, and attend public schools. However, as the public school system is becoming more corrupt, this is becoming a greater concern for us. The government often does not pay the teachers so they do not to show up at school to teach. 
This is a problem.
Our idea for a solution:
We currently have five teens that will be moving on to high school at the beginning of the next school year (February 2012)--Dania, Fanny, Jennifer, Ariel and Luis. These five have continued to work hard and are all doing well in their classes. Because of their work ethic and the progress they have each shown, we are looking into sending them to a private Christian High School next year. The school is called La Escuela Gran ComisiĆ³n (The Great Commission School), and is run by highly trained teachers and staff. They focus not only on providing the students with high-level education, but also on building good Christian character and values. 

[Dania & Fanny]

[me & Jennifer]

[Tony with Ariel & Luis]

By giving these teens the opportunity to study in a private Christian school setting, we are hoping this will bring another radical change to their lives and their families. As they continue their education and eventually graduate, they will be able to go on and achieve more in their lives. This will enable them to become leaders in their families and a great example to others in their community.
Will you prayerfully consider partnering with us to give these teens an opportunity to study in a private Christian school? The cost will be about $100/month per teen.

Monday, November 14, 2011

God answers prayers.

Last week, I told the story of Fernando, a 12 year old boy in Honduras, who decided to quit school and return to the streets. (If you haven't already, please read "We all just want to belong.") His older brother, Josue, was buying drugs for him. When I looked deeper at the root issue, I came to the conclusion that what these boys want, really what we all want, is to feel loved and accepted...to feel like we are a part of something...we want to belong. My prayer was that Fernando and Josue (and others who daily choose street life) would begin to see the hope, love, and acceptance that we find in Christ.

[Fernando in the colegio in Los Pinos]

Well, in the past week, Fernando has come off the streets and is staying on the property with Tony & Nidia. He is enjoying life surrounded by Christians and beginning to experience the love and acceptance he was searching for. He is able to be a kid again! Now, his days consist of playing with toy cars, climbing trees, eating three meals a day, watching movies, and being wrapped up in warm blankets and hugs. A week ago, he was living on the streets, getting high on paint thinner, eating from the garbage dump, and robbing people. 

His brother, Josue, used to live with Tony & Nidia for about 5 months. He was studying one-on-one with a volunteer teacher learning how to read and write. He had a huge collection of Hot Wheels matchbox cars to show for his accomplishments and good work. Then one day in September, he got up and left without telling anyone where he was going. He took his bike and backpack full of cars and left. We found out later that night that he had returned to Los Pinos.  

[me & Josue--movie night on the patio in September]

I have been worried about him ever since he left. The word on the street was that he was getting high almost daily and buying drugs for Fernando. One day last week, he disappeared. Nobody knew where he was, not even his mom or brothers. I began to pray that the Lord would protect him and bring him back safely. Yesterday, Josue came to Tony with tears in his eyes. Yes, a teenage boy--a tough guy who lives on the streets and takes care of himself--crying!! He told Tony he wants a second chance in the ministry. 

I am so thankful that God is using people like Tony & Nidia to show the love of Christ to a broken and hurting community, and I can't wait to go back and be a part of it all! Please continue to pray for their ministry and for provision, wisdom, and discernment as they continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Honduras.

[Nidia & Tony]

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Herman: becoming a leader.

If you haven't already, please read Herman's story.
Quick re-cap:
About three months ago, Herman made the decision to get on the bus at 5:30am six days a week to go work on the new property instead of continuing his life on the streets. He came knowing he would not get paid for his labor. It was completely his choice. After about 3 weeks of seeing Herman show up and work hard for 8 hours/day, his commitment and work ethic paid off. He is now getting paid $5/day four days a week to work at the property. He is also taking English and computer classes. 
A year from now, his life will be RADICALLY different in many ways!!
[Cristofer, Herman, & Luis]

A few weeks ago, after much thought and prayer, Tony and Nidia invited Herman to live with them so that he wouldn't have to ride the bus out to the property every day to work. Herman agreed and has been doing GREAT! I talked to him a couple of weekends ago and he told me that his friends had invited him to a party with drugs and other bad things. He turned them down. For the first time ever. I am so proud of my brother!! 
That is a huge step for him! 

A few days ago, Herman asked me when I was coming back to Honduras and told me he was praying for me! (Let me remind you--he told me 2 months ago that he wasn't ready to give his life to the Lord, but he enjoyed going to church and discipleship class.) I really had a feeling that the Lord was going to use this to draw Herman into a relationship with Him. 
"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our 'God is a consuming fire.'" --Hebrews 12:28-29

This past week, Herman lost a good friend. Jimmi was killed as he was attempting to rob someone on the streets of Los Pinos. A month ago, Herman may have been with him. Now, his life is RADICALLY different! God is transforming his heart and his life! 

[Today, Tony and the group chose to fast for lunch and use the money to prepare a special meal for Jimmi's family. They also gave the family a photo album with pictures and memories of Jimmi, since they do not have a single picture from his life.]

I have been able to talk to Herman on Skype a few times this week and he is always smiling and laughing about something! When I asked how he is doing with the death of his friend, he said he's fine, but I know he is still hurting on the inside. I have been praying that God will use Jimmi's death to bring LIFE to others in the community. That the Lord would raise up Herman as a leader and use him as an example to others who continue to daily choose street life. Well, God is beginning to answer my prayers!

[Herman & Ariel, photo by Natii]

Today, Herman stood up in front of the church and gave his testimony!!
This is what Tony says about Herman:

"His testimony is FRESH as it is not a story from the past but of the present. This young man everyday makes the decision to be away from paint thinner and other drugs. Every day he makes the decision to hang out with his new Christian friends and no longer with gang members. Yesterday he said with a smile, 'I am growing so much in my faith!'" 

[Herman sharing his testimony at church, photo from Ashley]

I truly believe God is going to use Herman to call his friends into the abundant life and love of Christ. Please continue to pray for Herman as he begins this new life of faith and begins to step into leadership! Pray that he will continue to be bold and confident in sharing his faith with friends, family, and others!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

We all just want to belong.

In light of some of the recent events in Honduras, I have been thinking a lot about what the root issue is. Let me explain: A few weeks ago, Fernando (12 years old), quit school and returned to the streets of Los Pinos to live in the dump with his mom. Rumor has it, he is hanging out with older boys doing paint thinner daily and also smoking pot and attempting to rob people. His 15-year old brother, Josue, is buying the pot for him. The boys' older brother Cristofer is also back on the streets getting high daily. A few days ago, Jimmi, 16 years old and a dear friend to many, was shot and killed as he tried to rob someone in the streets of Los Pinos
These kids are putting their lives in danger daily. 
The big question is:
[Fernando, 12--playing with toy cars]

I think one of the main reasons that many of them continue the street life is to feel like they are a part of something. To feel like they belong. To be accepted and loved by their "friends." Isn't that what we all really want in life? To feel like we are a part of something, like we belong...to be accepted and loved by others? The thing is, most of us have families, friends, churches, small groups, jobs, and other environments we are involved in that make us feel welcomed and loved. These street kids don't have that. Most of them don't even have parents who love or care for them. 
So they go looking in other places to feel loved and accepted. 

For many years of my life, I did the same thing. Before I met Jesus in a real and tangible way, I turned to alcohol and relationships with guys to fill the longing I felt in my heart to be accepted and loved. It was dangerous, destructive, and never truly fulfilled the desires of my heart. But because our God is a God of grace, he has brought me out of that lifestyle and has given me an abundant life in Him. I no longer have to look to other things to fill the longings of my heart. 
God has filled that hole completely and perfectly.

[crushing the old life]                       [being filled with the new]

"They will know that I am the Lord, when I break the bars of their yoke and rescue them from the hands of those who enslaved them."  --Ezekiel 34:27

I have been freed from the things that used to enslave me, and it is only because of the Lord! He has broken the chains in my life that tied me to my past and used to hold me back. Now I am springing forth into something new. 
This is where I belong.

I long to see these kids turn their lives fully over to the Lord and never look back! I pray that they will come to experience the love and FREEDOM that God has for them. I want them to know that they are loved and that the Lord has a unique plan for each one of their lives, if they are willing to accept it in obedience. Most of all, I want them to know that as a part of the body of Christ they are needed, loved, and accepted
And this is where they BELONG.

Please join me in praying for Fernando, Josue, Cristofer, and others who have chosen street life to feel a sense of belonging, love, and acceptance. Pray that the Lord would use Jimmi's death as a message to others that are following the same path. Pray that their minds and hearts would be AWAKENED to something new. That through Jimmi's death, LIFE would spring forth. 
A new and abundant life in Christ.