Wednesday, May 16, 2012

a heart of gratitude.

Last Friday, I celebrated my first Mother's Day with Luis at his school. It was a wonderful time as the students honored their mothers through songs, words, and scripture. At the end, they called up all the mothers to the front and we each had to pick a piece of paper out of a hat. Whoever got the paper that said, "Felicidades Madre!" won a huge basket of food. I was the lucky winner! When we got in the car, Luis asked if we could go visit his grandmother and give her the food. When we got there, she was so surprised and excited because she did not have any food in the house. (If you haven't already, please read a woman of great faith.).

Saturday, Luis wanted to go visit his aunt and cousins in Ciudad Espana. One of my friends that came to visit me last month left $20 for him to spend on whatever he wanted. He could have easily used it all for himself to buy a new pair of shoes or a remote control car or something else that he really wanted, but he chose to give it all away to his aunt to help her out and show his appreciation for all she has done for him. She also played a HUGE role in raising Luis when he was younger.

A few months ago, we walked out of the mall and he gave his Coke to a kid begging on the street. He told me that used to be him and people would come along and help him and now he wants to help others. I am SO proud of Luis and love his heart of gratitude. He tells me daily how much he appreciates all I do for him and the opportunities that he has been given through our ministry. I am so thankful for Tony taking notice of Luis five years ago and never giving up on him! He is becoming an incredible young man, learning, growing, and changing daily. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to be a part of his life!!

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