Thursday, November 29, 2012

girls' home update!

We officially broke ground on the girls' home one month ago!! It was the BEST birthday present ever! Reynaldo and his crew are working hard six days a week to hopefully have the house finished in January 2013. Our goal is to be able to bring the girls to live in their new home by the start of next school year (February 2013), so that it will be an easier transition for them. They are SO excited!!

[Reynaldo, me, and Carlos]

When I left Honduras a week and a half ago, they were finishing up the foundation of the house...

...and while I'm gone they are adding the walls!!

We still need about $6000 to finish the house. Would YOU prayerfully consider being a part of what we're doing at Zion's Gate Ministries? To make a tax-deductible donation:
1. Online Donation:
Click DONATE & select Cassandra Schott #135
(choose one-time or monthly gift)

2. Mail Checks to:
World Outreach Ministries
P.O. Box B
Marietta, GA 30061
(designate for Cassandra Schott #135)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

growing in faith

As many of you know, I have been working with Nidia starting up our girls' ministry here at Zion's Gate Ministries. So far, we have begun focusing most of our efforts on the older three girls (Dania, Fanny, and Jennifer). We meet with the girls every Tuesday to pray and discuss a devotional, and on Thursday afternoons we meet with the girls in IHNFA (a government orphanage) and our girls teach the girls there. In the beginning, the girls were very shy and hesitant to participate in our Tuesday meetings, and even more-so at IHNFA on Thursdays. They always were embarrassed to pray out loud and fought about who would lead the study.
[Dania, Fanny, Jennifer, & me]

Until one Tuesday afternoon when we met in Fanny's house...

I was leading the study that day and we were talking about prayer. Prayer is not some big scary formal thing, it is just having a conversation with God. You do not have to use fancy words or a certain format, just talk to God like he is your best friend. We also talked about how prayer is not only for asking God for things when we need help, it's a way to praise Him for everything He has done in our lives and all He has given us. At the end of our conversation, we had a time to share prayer requests. Most of their requests were for school, health, family, and provision. When we got around to Fanny, she said she wants to learn how to pray. It was such a sweet and innocent request at the time and I do not think she knew what the Lord had in store for her!

A few weeks later, Dania stayed the night at the property during the week and I was able to spend some time with her one morning reading a devotional and talking about it together. The devotional was about how sometimes God allows bad things to happen but He always has a purpose. Dania began to open up about her father's suicide for the first time. The next day, we had our meeting with the girls in Los Pinos and Fanny volunteered to pray! As we read the devotional, Fanny related it to the situation with her grandma and family. Her grandma, Mina, got sick and was in the hospital. Mina's daughters (Fanny's mom and aunts) are constantly fighting and plotting against each other. But with their mom being in the hospital, God was using the situation to bring them closer together in unity as a family.

Fanny ended up sharing this message during one of our nightly meetings as a family, at IHNFA, and even at the hospital with her grandma, mom, and a few of her aunts. I am so proud of her and excited to see what God has in store for her in the future as she continues growing in faith!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


A few months ago, the Lord layed on my heart the desire to build a girls' home here on the property at Zion's Gate Ministries. It is a dream that has been stirring in my heart for awhile now and I feel like God is calling me to begin taking action!! This month, Nidia and I started meeting with the girls in Los Pinos twice a week for a Bible study, spending time in their homes, and praying with their moms and other women in the community. God is breaking my heart more and more for these girls and the home situations they are living in.

[with Fanny, Dania, Amalia, Sandra, & Nicole]

I have been working alongside Tony's ministry with the boys now for 8 months and have learned so much. The idea is to take the same ideas and principles and apply it to the girls' home. I want to be able to provide basic needs--food, education, and a safe home environment--but more importantly a community of faith, discipleship, and spiritual development. This will also add a new aspect to our ministry as a whole at Zion's Gate Ministries when we host World Race, Passport, and other missionary groups! The women will be able to pour into our girls as the men work with our guys.
I truly believe the Lord has spoken to my heart to start something new January 2013! So the challenge is...$10,000 IN FOUR MONTHS!!! This should give us a good start to laying the foundation and building a house of bricks or concrete blocks. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this ministry by making a financial donation! WE CANNOT DO THIS WITHOUT YOU!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

entertaining angels

One Saturday morning a few weeks ago, an older man wandered onto the property. I was in the kitchen making breakfast when Luis came running in and asked me for an extra plate of food and some juice to give to a guy he met outside. As I brought the food out, I saw Luis running down from the house with a box of brand new white Nike shoes. He took them out of the box and placed them on the feet of his new friend. 

"Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!"
--Hebrews 13:2 [NLT]

I love seeing the FAITH of these street kids begin to take ACTION!! There are so many ups and downs in our everyday life at Zion's Gate, but seeing these little breakthroughs is truly a blessing!! We can have peace knowing that the seeds we are planting are beginning to take root in these kids hearts and lives. As leadership here, we have been talking lately about how WE can't do anything to change these boys...only God can! And he IS!! To Him be the glory!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Henry is back!

Two weeks ago, Henry returned to Zion's Gate to begin working full-time on the property. For the past ten months, he has been living in Los Pinos and every time I saw him and asked how he was, he would look down at the ground and tell me he was fine. I knew he had been without a job for quite awhile and he was moving around a lot living with different friends or family here and there, but nothing had been stable in his life. 

[Burger King]

When I was here in October 2010 on the World Race, Henry was always around. He was staying with Tony on the weekends, and we saw him almost daily in Los Pinos. He was learning english and had a somewhat stable job working as a street sweeper in Los Pinos. He was always fun to be around and liked to joke with everyone. He enjoyed practicing his english with us and playing soccer and even duck-duck-goose. He was finally enjoying a childhood he never got to experience growing up.

[Molly, Henry, & me]

Last week, Molly and I had the opportunity to take Henry out to eat at Burger King. He talked to us in english and tried to teach us new words in spanish (especially words that we had to roll our "r's"). We weren't very good students! On our drive back up to Los Pinos, he wanted us to teach him "Old McDonald Had a Farm" and "BINGO". We sang kids songs and laughed the whole drive up the mountain. By the time we got into Los Pinos it was late and very dark. As we drove in, he recognized some men that could potentially be dangerous so he decided to stay in the car with us until we got back onto the paved road to leave because he wanted to protect us.
Please join us in prayer for Henry as he tells us he really does want to change. He has a special place in my heart because one of my teammates on the World Race led him to Christ. Although he fell away for a time, he is getting back on track and joining us every morning for our Bible and prayer time before work. Pray that God continues to tug at his heart and draw Henry closer to His.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

my heart.

The other day at the beach I was laying out having some quiet time while soaking in the sun. At one point, I got up and walked down to the water for a few minutes to cool off. On my way back up, I noticed something small and dark against the contrast of the light-colored sand. As I reached down to pick it up, I realized it was a smooth, flat stone in the shape of a heart! I looked around and there was nothing else in sight--no other rocks, shells, or even seaweed had been washed up on shore. Just this perfect little stone. I have no doubt God placed it in that specific spot at that moment just for me to find it!

The more I thought about it, I heard God speaking to me about my life. I have been out being tossed around by daily struggles, drowning in the ocean of busyness and now God has thrown me ashore and given me this time to relax and just BE with Him. I feel like He's asking me to let my heart rest in His hands. The little heart stone was just laying there under  the warm sun. An amazing reminder for me to rest in His SON. I don't ever want to forget about this perfect, timely example. I need to take the time daily to REST in Him during all the crazy and busy days in Honduras.

Alex has been a huge inspiration this past week as she gets up at 6:00am every day when her husband leaves for work to have quiet time before she starts the day. It made me think, "I could do that!" I wake up early every morning anyway to get Luis up for school and when he leaves, everyone else in the house is still asleep until at least 7:00am. I NEED to start doing this!! Please pray that God will give me strength to get up and focus on having intentional time with Him every morning before I start my day.
Also, during my time in the states, baby Genesis has been sent away to stay with some extended family members that I have never met. Please pray for good health and protection for her as well as favor when I return to Honduras to be able to get her back. I am currently in the process of obtaining residency in Honduras, and then I will be ready to start the paperwork for adoption as soon as I get final confirmation from the Lord.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

parable of the sower.

We have been working outside a lot on the property lately digging out the big rocks to allow for the grass to grow. One day last week as I was working, the Lord reminded me of the Parable of the Sower. I shared it last night during our family meeting because it is something we can all relate to. I challenged us all to think about which type of ground we are, and how we should strive to be the good soil to produce fruit in our lives.

[Luke 8:5-8, 11-15]
"A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds of the air ate it up. Some fell on rock, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown...

...This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away. The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked out by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop."

As I was reflecting on my life, I realized that I have been through different phases in my own life of each of these types of ground. At times, I have heard the word of God and Satan has come along and taken it away from my heart. I have received the word of God with joy but fallen away when things get tough. I have heard and then as I continue along in life, get choked out by the things of this world. I have also heard, retained and persevered to produce fruit.
I wish I could say that I am currently living my life in the good soil all the time, but that would not be true. Please pray for me to not get so caught up in everything that is going on and be able to spend more intimate time with the Lord daily. He is really all that matters. What he has called me to do here in Honduras is just a small part of His great plan. I do not want to let myself or my own fleshly desires get in the way of what He wants to do here. I want to seek after more of Him and follow Him in obedience.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

a heart of gratitude.

Last Friday, I celebrated my first Mother's Day with Luis at his school. It was a wonderful time as the students honored their mothers through songs, words, and scripture. At the end, they called up all the mothers to the front and we each had to pick a piece of paper out of a hat. Whoever got the paper that said, "Felicidades Madre!" won a huge basket of food. I was the lucky winner! When we got in the car, Luis asked if we could go visit his grandmother and give her the food. When we got there, she was so surprised and excited because she did not have any food in the house. (If you haven't already, please read a woman of great faith.).

Saturday, Luis wanted to go visit his aunt and cousins in Ciudad Espana. One of my friends that came to visit me last month left $20 for him to spend on whatever he wanted. He could have easily used it all for himself to buy a new pair of shoes or a remote control car or something else that he really wanted, but he chose to give it all away to his aunt to help her out and show his appreciation for all she has done for him. She also played a HUGE role in raising Luis when he was younger.

A few months ago, we walked out of the mall and he gave his Coke to a kid begging on the street. He told me that used to be him and people would come along and help him and now he wants to help others. I am SO proud of Luis and love his heart of gratitude. He tells me daily how much he appreciates all I do for him and the opportunities that he has been given through our ministry. I am so thankful for Tony taking notice of Luis five years ago and never giving up on him! He is becoming an incredible young man, learning, growing, and changing daily. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to be a part of his life!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

a simple reminder.

Genesis has been really sick off and on for the past few weeks. Monday, I decided to take her to the hospital to get checked out. The doctor said her lungs sounded really bad so she prescribed three different medicines for her and ordered for her to have three breathing treatments with a nebulizer every day for three days. The first day, the nurse got the machine ready and handed me the mask to hold on Genesis' face. She was miserable and began crying and flailing her arms, trying to push the mask away. I felt so bad that I had to put her through that. I wished I could take her place. Then God reminded me and I was almost in tears thinking about about how God sent His son to take our place. Such a simple reminder.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

a woman of great faith.

I came back to Honduras for Luis, but the more time I spend with his sweet grandma and sister, the more I realize I am here to be a part of and learn from this family. I take Luis to visit his abuela (grandma) at least once a week, and I love to sit and listen to stories of her childhood, family, struggles, and raising nearly all of her grandchildren. I love hearing her heart for the Lord and seeing how she puts her faith into action. She truly has the heart of a servant and always gives sacrificially because she has great faith that God will provide.
[abuela & Luis]
Last week after our visit, Luis was very upset. He told me his dad only comes to the house about twice a week and sometimes leaves money for food, but sometimes only provides them with food when he's there to eat it. Luis has been the "man of the house" for most of his life and has always felt like it is his responsibility to provide for his grandma and sister. In the moment, he was so upset that he said he wanted to quit school so he would be able to work to provide for his family. He knows his education is important, but he cares so much about his family and feels like he's letting them down. 
God has placed a great love in my heart for this family! They have blessed me so much through their kindness, compassion, and steadfast faith. I have learned so much from them already, and this is only the beginning. Sometimes, they do not have any food in the house and do not know where their next meal will come from, but abuela still serves me whatever bit of food, coffee, and sweet bread that they have. She always serves me the first plate with the most food, even if it means that she doesn't eat. Please join me in prayer for this family, that God would continue to pour out His blessings upon them and provide for their every need.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

we NEED a van!!

We have been very busy the past 2 months hosting World Race squads of 40+ people! Making sure we always have food, drinking water, water to bathe & wash clothes and dishes, Cokes and candy bars in the pulperia, gas for the stove, along with the additional individual needs of the squad has kept us all incredibly busy!! I enjoy driving here so I have been doing most of the everyday errands and running around with different people. This takes a lot of gas and Tony's car is on it's last leg...

We have been paying to use a 15-passenger van every time we want to take groups into Los Pinos or other places for ministry. We are praying (and asking our family, friends and supporters to pray) for funds to buy our own van. We currently have 8-10 teenage boys living with us on a consistent basis. Right now, it is impossible for the whole "family" to go anywhere together. We would love to start taking family trips every Saturday to be able to get away from the property and enjoy each other's company. Please join us in praying for a reliable, affordable 15-passenger van to purchase for our family/ministry!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

my new baby!

Ok, so I know a lot of you are dying to know the story behind this sweet baby girl! Her name is Genesis, which means "new beginning." Before I moved back to Honduras, many people asked me if I want to get married and have my own kids someday. I told them I would rather just keep taking in kids as teenagers--I'm not really into babies. But God continues to teach me that His plan is always greater than MY plan.


I never really thought much about it the first day I met her. I just held her until she fell asleep in my arms and I began praying over her. At that point, I just thought she was a cute baby. I didn't know her story...I didn't know that her mom was only 16 years old...I didn't know that she had been abandoned and left with her mom's aunt to take care of her...I didn't know that nobody even knows who her dad is...I didn't know that she has never known the love of a mother. And I definitely wasn't ready to be that for her.

[with my sweet baby girl]

A few weeks later, I was running errands with some of the girls in Los Pinos and decided to take Genesis with me for the day to give the aunt a break. As we rode the bus all over town getting school pictures taken, eating lunch, and buying groceries, I began praying for her. She was sitting on my lap on the bus just tapping the window and minding her own business and the moment I began praying for her, she leaned in to hug me. That happened three different times throughout the day. I don't think it was a coincidence.

[Luis giving her a bottle before bed]

Two weeks ago, she came out to the property on a Saturday night with my teenage girls. We were all in the kitchen cooking and Genesis was walking around playing with the cat not bothering anyone, just minding her own business. I began praying for her again and asking God for more confirmation. I told God that if I am supposed to take her in, she would come over and hug my legs. She hadn't done that to anyone before--she wasn't even paying any attention to any of us. Four times in the next ten minutes she came over and buried her face between my knees and hugged my legs. At that point I knew, and I knew it was from the Lord.

[Genesis & Luis]
Honestly, I was terrified. I had no idea what to do or who to talk to about it. I wasn't ready for a baby. And besides, I already have a 14-year-old. He was one of the main reasons I moved back here. So that night, I decided to talk to Luis about it. I told him what had happened in the kitchen and all he could say was "WOW." He was completely supportive because he knew it was from God. He is so compassionate and GREAT with kids. He LOVES others so much. 

So here we are...our new little family!! :-)

Please pray for God's favor during this process. I need to make sure I do everything in the proper order so that I don't risk having her taken away from me. Pray for strength and wisdom in raising these kids as I am now a single mother of two! Please pray that the Lord will send me a husband (soon!) that is ready to help provide and care for our little family!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm learning...

Learning how to live with brothers.
[Carlos, Herman, & Fernando]

I grew up with two sisters and, well, girls just deal with things differently than boys do. Not to mention the cultural differences here. I have lived so much of my life to please others and keep the peace. However, I'm learning that it's often better to confront tough situations even if it is difficult at the time. In the end, the relationships are strengthened and a deeper level of love and trust are built.

[Rony & Ariel]

 Learning how to lead others into a deeper relationship with Christ. 
[Thursday morning Bible study]

The last month on the World Race in India, God asked me to start a Bible study with the girls in the community as a part of the church plant we were doing. I was scared and had no idea what I was doing, but I knew it was God's plan, and that He would be with me! I have attended many Bible studies in the past, but have never been a leader before. God sure knew what He was doing--calling me to grow in the area of leadership as part of His plan for me in Honduras was to come back and start Bible studies with the girls here.

[Saturday night Bible study]

 Learning how to be a mom through the good...and the hard times.
[with my boy]

Being a mom is awesome and rewarding, but it is also difficult and trying at times. God has given me a love for Luis like I have never loved anyone else. The more of his story I hear and see and experience, the deeper and more love I feel for him. He is only 14 years old and he has already experienced so much pain and hurt from the ones who should love him most. The hardest part for me is finding a balance because I want to give him the whole world, but I also want to teach him responsibility and respect.

[bike problems]

Learning how to cook many new things...and sometimes failing.
[failed attempt at cutting tomatoes]

Tony and Nidia have been so patient with me in the kitchen. I used to be the pickiest eater and only knew how to cook the few things that I liked to eat. (Think 5-year old diet--mac n cheese, PB&J, spaghetti, etc.) Last year on the World Race, I'm convinced that God began radically changing my taste buds. Now, I eat just about anything that is put in front of me! Tony and Nidia are teaching me how to cook--which is quite the task--but I'm learning!!

[the right way to slice tomatoes]

 Learning to love others even when it is difficult.
[Luis with his mom and cousin]

This past week, I have started spending more time with Nicole at her house. For those of you who don't know, Nicole's mom is also Luis & Fanny's mom. She lives right down the hill from them but never makes the effort to see them because she does not claim them as her children. Luis went there with me the other day there and he said something to his mom jokingly and she smacked him across the face. I know she was somewhat joking but it hurt me so much to see that, because I have seen it in the past when she wasn't joking. It is DIFFICULT for me to love this woman. But God is teaching me how to extend love and grace to people who don't deserve it, because I definitely don't deserve it.
Please pray that God will continue to open up my heart to the things He is trying to teach me. That I will be obedient to listen to His voice. That I will continue to learn more about His heart  for me and for the people we are ministering to. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

back to school

As the month of February is fast approaching, we are looking for monthly supporters for 13 kids to attend school starting in the next few weeks. Most of them will be attending public schools which are free, but we will still need to buy their books, supplies, uniforms, etc. We will also be paying for them to take the public bus to and from school daily. 

[Steven, Ariel, Rony, Luis, Carlos]

Amalia, Sandra, Nicole, Steven, Carlos, and Fernando will be in grade school this year. For each of them, we will need $100 up front to buy books, supplies, and uniforms before school starts. Then, it will be a $20/month commitment to pay for them to take the bus daily, and for occasional treats and surprises to continue to encourage them in their studies.  Rony and Herman will be returning to high school this year, after dropping out of school in 6th grade. The cost will be $150 up front and $25/month.

[Fanny, Dania, Amalia, Sandra, Nicole]

We would like to send Ariel, Dania, Jennifer, Fanny, and Luis to a private Christian school this year. [If you haven't already, please read an opportunity for private education.The school focuses not only on providing the students with high-level education, but also on building good Christian character and values. The cost will be $120/month per teen.

[Carlos, Fernando, & Herman with their friend Mario]

Please prayerfully consider sponsoring one of these teens. If you are interested in making either a one-time donation or monthly commitment please let us know!! We would also like to encourage sponsors to build relationships with the kids they are sponsoring through sending pictures and emails. We truly cannot do this without your prayers and support! 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Extreme Home Makeover: Herman's house

[If you haven't already, please read Herman. and Herman: becoming a leader.]

We have decided to start doing some house renovations in Los Pinos. We are beginning with Herman's family. Herman currently lives with us and works on the property, but we want his family to know that we have not forgotten about them. A few weeks ago, we went to visit the family and sat down to tell them our idea. Herman took the lead in explaining the idea for house renovations and asked his mom what needs to be done.

Week 1: Replace the support beams on the corners of the house. This community is situated on the side of a very steep hill, and the problem is that many of the homes in Los Pinos are beginning to collapse when the dirt falls out from the foundation. Replacing the support beams will make this home more sturdy and safe for the family.

Week 2: Paint the outside of the house. We want the community to not only see the physical changes of the house, but more importantly the changes in Herman's life and family.

Week 3: Build an outhouse. Their current outhouse is constructed out of a few boards and plastic trash bags. Our plan is to construct an outhouse much like the one pictured below.

In a few weeks, we will be hosting a World Race squad for a month on the property and they will be helping us accomplish these projects. Please pray that the Lord will use these projects to bless this family and that His name would be glorified through it. Pray that the community wouldn't see a bunch of "gringos" working, but that they would see the hands and feet of Jesus. I truly believe the Lord has bigger plans for this project than what we can physically see!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

a JOYFUL heart.

Meet Amalia. She is the youngest of six children in the Rodriguez family. She beautiful and sweet, and the most JOYFUL person I know!! Every time I see her, she runs up and gives me a hug with a HUGE smile on her face! She has a heart for service, and loves helping with anything and everything that needs to be done. She just jumps right in whenever she recognizes a need, without ever being asked.

[with Amalia]

On Saturday, Amalia was here with her mom. We were hanging out in my room as she browsed through my pictures and pointed out all the friends she recognized. Next thing I knew, she left the room and came back with a piece of tissue to dust off all my pictures. Later, she came in with a broom to sweep the floor. 

As we cooked dinner that night, I found out that Amalia also loves to cook. She was running all around the kitchen helping with preparations as we made tacos. In between tasks, she washed all the dirty dishes that were in the sink. She was constantly asking what else she could do to help.  And she did all this with a JOYFUL heart. 

This precious daughter truly reflects the heart of her Father in heaven.

The next morning, I was in my room listening to Spanish worship music and reading my Bible. She came right in, jumped up on my bed with me and started singing to Jesus. It was such a sweet time we had together! The time I spent with Amalia this weekend was a great reminder for me to be thankful always and to serve the Lord with a JOYFUL heart.

Friday, January 13, 2012

faith like a child

[Anderson, Herman, & Asmin on our first visit]

I have really enjoyed spending time with Herman's family--and especially with his sweet niece, Asmin. At first she was super shy and didn't really know what to think about us. Now, she gets super excited whenever we come over to visit. She always wants me to hold her and play with her. Every time we visit she is filthy, wearing the same outfit, no shoes, and dragging around a dirty little stuffed animal. Asmin lives in extreme poverty, but is so content and she has the most precious smile I have ever seen.

[playing with Herman's puppy, Cuatro on our second visit]

I love picking her up, holding her, telling her she's beautiful, and praying that she will grow up to know the Lord. I pray that she will one day come to know the love of her Father in heaven. That she will begin to grasp the love that He has for her. And that she will live her life to please Him above all else.

[our third this sweet girl]

As I think about my life, I am rich in the eyes of the world. But am I even half as content as precious little Asmin, who has nothing? I guess this is why the Bible says we ought to have faith like a child. They have so little, know so little, and are so eager to learn. I love that God is teaching me more about Him through the beautiful people and especially the sweet children here.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

flossing my teeth...

...I don't do it very often so when I do, it hurts and my gums usually bleed. I don't like flossing my teeth. It's uncomfortable. It's easier to just leave them. To forget about it until I go to the dentist and he tells me I really should floss more often. It's healthy. It will prevent other problems in the future. But still, I choose to take the easy and comfortable route.

Tonight, as I was flossing my teeth (for the first time since my last visit to the dentist), God began revealing something deeper to me. He whispered into my heart that I do this in my relationships with others and with Him. 


I often avoid confronting the things in my life that are hard or uncomfortable. Things that bring up pain or hurt from the past. But the truth is--God wants me to come to Him every day with these things. He wants me to open up my heart to Him and allow His truth and love to pour into the depths of my heart to HEAL it.

...Jesus, I want more of you. Help me to open my heart so you can bring healing...

Because of my past, I don't trust guys. I have been hurt SO much in the past. 
I say I trust God, but do my actions and the way I live my life truly reflect that?
Or am I trying to be in control of everything I do?
I need to TRUST God and others, instead of trying to do it all myself.

My view of love has been skewed my whole life.
I have been believing that I have to do something to be loved.
Truth: Jesus loved me first and HE died for ME. 
Nothing I do will ever make Him love me more...OR less.

Monday, January 9, 2012

my beautiful girls

As many of you know, one of my roles here in Honduras is to start up our girls' ministry. Every Saturday afternoon, Dania, Fanny, and Jennifer will come out to the property to hang out, cook, have Bible studies, time on the internet, etc. and spend the night. Last Saturday night was our first meeting together and it was AMAZING!! We began with worship, prayer, and shared parts of our testimonies to get to know each other better. I can already sense that the Lord is going to bring a lot of truth and healing into these girls' lives and I can't wait to see the plans He has for them!

[hanging out before our meeting]

This week, we hope to buy three blankets and mats for the girls to sleep on. We will also be working on cleaning an area in the big building on the property so that we can have our own space to have our meetings and sleepovers. Eventually, we would love to get a TV and stereo to watch movies and have dance parties! We would also like to go on some kind of outing one Saturday each month--to the beach, park, museum, movies, etc. If you would like to help sponsor this ministry in any way, please let me know!

[Jennifer, Fanny, & Dania at our first meeting]

We also discussed many ideas with the girls for the future. They came up with a list of about 20 things that they would like to do. Nidia and I are going to put together a calendar so that the girls will know the plans for the following week. Some of their ideas include: exercise, go to the mall (shopping & movies), community projects (plant trees, trash clean-up, etc.), beauty night (paint nails, do hair, etc.). I love that the girls are so excited and have already begun to take ownership of this group and make it their own!

[with Fanny, Dania, Amalia, Sandra, & Nicole]

This Thursday, I will start meeting with the three younger girls (Amalia, Sandra, & Nicole) for about an hour at the church while the boys are having a discipleship meeting with Tony and Pastor Nicolas. I will be staying the night in Los Pinos every Wednesday night with Luis' family and will pick the girls up every Thursday morning to walk to the church. We will have a short Bible story/devotional time and we would like to provide the girls with a drink and snack every week ($1/person each Thursday). $15/month would fully support our young girls' ministry!! If you would like to help out financially, please let me know!
Please pray that the Lord will continue to open up the girls' hearts to know Him more. Pray that they will desire a real, deep relationship with Him and that through that He will begin to transform their lives. Pray that they will begin to understand the true love of their Father, since none of them have a good earthly example of a father in their lives.